Over the summer, notices will generally appear only on
milwaukeego.wordpress.com, so go there for any updates (and subscribe to the weekly blog there if possible -- I hope to phase out weekly e-mails). If you're a regular and would like the option to post there, please let me know.
In the meantime, please e-mail me at
milwaukeego@gmail.com if you know you're coming. Thanks, and have a great summer!
New post on Milwaukee Go Club | | OK -- it's confirmed with Board Game Barrister. Summer meetings will be Saturdays 1-4 in the room off of the food court at Bayshore. We get to share the space with the people playing Heroclix, which is good because they will open and close the room. If you know you're planning to come, it would help if you let us know ahead of time.
Also, remember, if you are members of the American Go Association, you can record your games and get rankings. Any comments, please e-mail! | | | | |
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