
Meeting dates for October

We'll meet at UWM and the Barrister. The Barrister has GO sets, but they are smaller than regular ones. So if you like bigger board and have one, bring it.

For October:

10/7, 10/21 UWM Union Terrace Cafe. (Kenwood and Farwell on East Side. The cafe is located on street level facing Kenwood.) (mapquest) 7-9pm.

10/3, 10/17, 10/31 The Board Game Barrister at Bayshore Town Center. The store and the game tables are located near rotunda area in the middle of the mall. (Mapquest Bayshore Town Center)


Meetings at the Barrister set

We are happy to announce that we decided on the dates of the Milwaukee Go Club Meetings at the Barrister at the Bayshore Town Center.
It's every other Friday at 7-9pm, starting from September 19th.

The Board Game Barrister hosts Games Nights on Friday and Saturday nights. You can play any of their open board games. And, admission is free! So, having Go meeting on Fridays means you get play Go AND board games, which is awesome.

The Board Game Barrister
Bayshore Town Center
Mapquest Bayshore Town Center
