
[Go Club] PLEASE REPLY - Who is interested for 2014?

Dear all,

This is a request for response if you are interested in the Milwaukee Go Club for 2014. Please reply if you want to:

a) continue to receive e-mails from Milwaukee Go in 2014
b) attend Milwaukee Go Club meetings in 2014, or
c) play casual games over winter break

Hope to here from you soon. Happy holidays!


[Go Club] December CANCELLED; meetings resume Q1 2014


[Go Club] Evanston Tournament - Update


Joyce informed me that you are allowed to leave the tournament earlier than 6pm, as long as you have played four games. Finishing four games by 3pm is a good estimate.

Also taking Route41 to the tournament would avoid toll booths, but is a common speed trap for policemen. Since you are required to obey the speed limits, it takes half an hour longer to travel this way.



[Go Club] Meetings Saturday @6pm

Details below:
Also, I really dropped the ball on last week's meeting. It was really poorly coordination on my part. In the future, all schedule changes will occur at least 48 hours in advance of the affected meeting. My sincerest apologies to those affected.

Hope to see you Saturday!


[Go Club] Later Time Today

Dear all,

I will be arriving for the meeting today at 7pm instead of 6pm. Sorry for the short notice. Please reply if you plan to attend to confirm receipt.



[Go Club] KGS and October 5

1) No meeting this weekend
2) If you want to play on KGS against other club members, please send your KGS screen-name to milwaukeego@gmail.com

Thanks again,



[Go Club] Fall - Third Meeting

Dear all,

Meeting details at the blog, as before:


Please reply if you plan to attend, or if you want to but cannot make it. I would be willing to meet on Thursday or Friday for anyone who would like an alternative time.



[Go Club] Fall - Second Meeting

Dear all,

Meeting details are at the following link:


*Please reply* to this email if you plan to attend, or if you want to attend but cannot make it! I would just like to guage interest in participation this semester.

See you around,


Milwaukee Go Players - Survey

Dear Milwaukee go players,

If you have any interest in playing go in Milwaukee this fall or winter, please fill out the following survey.

This will help us find the best time to meet and develop a database of player information.

Thank you!



[MOVED] Meeting Tonight

Dear all,

I have not received any replies indicating interest in the meeting tonight, so I am moving it to next weekend. If you are interested in attending, please reply to this message.

The summer months have been slow, but we may be able to generate some turnout by next week. Hope everyone is enjoying their break.



Fwd: [New post] Next Meeting on Saturday (29 June 2013)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Milwaukee Go <comment-reply@wordpress.com>
Date: Sun, Jun 23, 2013 at 3:37 PM
Subject: [New post] Next Meeting on Saturday (29 June 2013)
To: milwaukeego@gmail.com

milwaukeego posted: "Hello everyone! I would like to announce this week's meeting early.I propose that we meet on Saturday at 7pm, at Five Guys Burgers and Fries. It's less than a mile from UWM, stays open til 10pm, and has free parking. Address is as follows:Five Guys Burger"
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New post on Milwaukee Go

Next Meeting on Saturday (29 June 2013)

by milwaukeego

Hello everyone! I would like to announce this week's meeting early.

I propose that we meet on Saturday at 7pm, at Five Guys Burgers and Fries. It's less than a mile from UWM, stays open til 10pm, and has free parking. Address is as follows:

Five Guys Burgers and Fries

2907 North Oakland Avenue

Milwaukee, WI 53211

If you ARE going to attend, please send a message to milwaukeego@gmail.com. Alternatively, if you would like to propose a different meeting time or location, please send a message to the gmail address above.

Hope to see everybody at the meeting. Have a great week!

milwaukeego | June 23, 2013 at 15:37 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/p1LDBP-6R

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[Go Club] Summer Meeting Time and Location

Dear All,

My name is Justin, and I will be running Milwaukee Go Club while Joyce is out of town.

First, I would like to announce a new meeting time and location. From now on, I would like to meet at Five Guys Burgers 7pm each Saturday (address below) . The restaurant is less than 1 mile from the Student Union, they have their own parking lot, and they stay open until 10pm. I have spoken with a manager, and he is comfortable with us staying until close (10pm) if we want.

Five Guys Burgers and Fries
2907 North Oakland Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53211

The restaurant DOES have massive amounts of peanuts sitting out in the open. If you plan to attend but are allergic to peanuts, please say so and I will find a new location.

I realize this is very short notice, but I hope to see some of you there tonight. Looking forward to an active summer for the club!



Fwd: [New post] Go Club Sat June 8, management transition

milwaukeego posted: "The Go Club is meeting Saturday June 8 at the UWM Union food court, at the usual time and place. This will be the last meeting under the current management. Stay tuned for possible schedule changes, including possibly a summer hiatus. "
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New post on Milwaukee Go (.wordpress.com)  

Go Club Sat June 8, management transition

by milwaukeego

The Go Club is meeting Saturday June 8 at the UWM Union food court, at the usual time and place.

This will be the last meeting under the current management. Stay tuned for possible schedule changes, including possibly a summer hiatus.

milwaukeego | June 7, 2013 at 20:42 | Tags: summer break | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/p1LDBP-6f

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Fwd: [New post] Go Club yes: UWM Union is open again

milwaukeego posted: "Go club is back at the UWM Union Sat June 1. 7:00pm, food court. Looks like there's enough interest to keep going next year, hooray! Contact the organizers on Wordpress or by e-mail if you want to help. "
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Go Club yes: UWM Union is open again

by milwaukeego

Go club is back at the UWM Union Sat June 1. 7:00pm, food court.
Looks like there's enough interest to keep going next year, hooray!
Contact the organizers on WordPress or by e-mail if you want to help.

milwaukeego | May 31, 2013 at 16:57 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/p1LDBP-62

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LOCATION CHANGE: Go club Mem Day weekend

LOCATION CHANGE: Go club Mem Day weekend

Posted on May 24, 2013 by 

Hello all,
We welcomed some new players last Saturday. Come meet them! Saturday 7pm.  UWM Union food court.    Member M. L.  alerted us that the UWM Union is closed this Saturday.  So, if you plan to attend, please reply to this e-mail address for the new location nearby.  



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Fwd: [New post] Yes, Go club Mem Day weekend

milwaukeego posted: "Hello all, We welcomed some new players last Saturday. Come meet them! Saturday 7pm UWM Union food court. Robert P. has offered to help organize for the next year. Please support his efforts. You all may wish to decide on a better time to meet, and yo"
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New post on Milwaukee Go

Yes, Go club Mem Day weekend

by milwaukeego

Hello all,
We welcomed some new players last Saturday. Come meet them! Saturday 7pm UWM Union food court.

Robert P. has offered to help organize for the next year. Please support his efforts. You all may wish to decide on a better time to meet, and you might wish to create some kind of RSVP system. Board Game Barrister (Bayshore) is willing to host us Sat afternoons. Art may be able to come more often if you meet Sat afternoons at Bayshore. Anyone else want to help organize?

[contact-form][contact-field label='Comments about time+place? Frequency?' type='textarea'/][contact-field label='Contact info (optional)' type='text'/][/contact-form]

milwaukeego | May 24, 2013 at 08:20 | Tags: baduk, go, goe, schedule, wei-ch'i, weiqi, 围棋, 圍棋 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/p1LDBP-5V

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Fwd: [New post] welcome new friends Saturday

milwaukeego posted: "We're expecting about three new people this week at Go Club. Hope you can come welcome them and show them the range of members who come. See you at the UWM Union food court area at 7pm. "
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New post on Milwaukee Go

welcome new friends Saturday

by milwaukeego

We're expecting about three new people this week at Go Club. Hope you can come welcome them and show them the range of members who come. See you at the UWM Union food court area at 7pm.

milwaukeego | May 17, 2013 at 19:51 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/p1LDBP-5T

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Fwd: [New post] Sat May 4 — Go at UWM 7pm

milwaukeego posted: "Go Club will meet at the UWM Union food court again this Saturday. Thanks to all who came last week to share in the fun! Just a heads-up: starting mid-June the go club will be under new management for at least a year. Anyone interested in helping"
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New post on Milwaukee Go

Sat May 4 — Go at UWM 7pm

by milwaukeego

Go Club will meet at the UWM Union food court again this Saturday.
Thanks to all who came last week to share in the fun!

Just a heads-up: starting mid-June the go club will be under new management for at least a year. Anyone interested in helping out?  Reply to this e-mail!  

milwaukeego | May 3, 2013 at 19:28 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/p1LDBP-5N

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Fwd: [New post] Sat 4/27 GO tonight 7pm

milwaukeego posted: "As promised, there will be go tonight Saturday April 27 at the UWM Union food court, 7pm (+/- a few minutes). "
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New post on Milwaukee Go

Sat 4/27 GO tonight 7pm

by milwaukeego

As promised, there will be go tonight Saturday April 27 at the UWM Union food court, 7pm (+/- a few minutes).

milwaukeego | April 27, 2013 at 06:42 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/p1LDBP-5L

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Fwd: [New post] go club cancelled April 20

milwaukeego posted: "Go Club is cancelled for April 20. Back in action April 27. "
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go club cancelled April 20

by milwaukeego

Go Club is cancelled for April 20.
Back in action April 27.

milwaukeego | April 18, 2013 at 21:57 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/p1LDBP-5J

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Go Club meeting as usual 7pm Sat UWM union

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New post on Milwaukee Go

go as usual 7pm sat uwm union

by milwaukeego

Go Club is taking place as usual Sat 7pm at the UWM Union food court area.
Please come welcome our newcomers!

milwaukeego | April 12, 2013 at 15:41 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/p1LDBP-5H

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[New post] go at uwm union 7pm Saturday

milwaukeego posted: "Go is happening Saturday 7pm at the UWM Union food court area. I believe the last couple of times the first people didn't show up till a few minutes later, so if you're the only one there right at 7:00, someone will show up very soon thereafter. "
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New post on Milwaukee Go

go at uwm union 7pm Saturday

by milwaukeego

Go is happening Saturday 7pm at the UWM Union food court area. I believe the last couple of times the first people didn't show up till a few minutes later, so if you're the only one there right at 7:00, someone will show up very soon thereafter.

milwaukeego | April 5, 2013 at 23:29 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/p1LDBP-5G

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