Milwaukee GO Club meetings resume January 22
Go Club resumes in January
Have a great Christmas and see you all in January!
2nd and 4th Saturdays
Its stated goal: to support existing local Go communities and create ones where none now exist.
Our premise: that for each Go player you know in your home town, there are 5 more that you don't know about.
Our mission: to connect Go players locally, get them off the computer and out into the sunshine.
In any case, the Milwaukee Go Club meets at 7pm this Saturday at Bayshore.
Normal meeting times are on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month, outside the Board Game Barrister store at Bayshore Mall near the Rotunda where performances are held.
Since the 4th Saturday this month is Christmas, that meeting will be cancelled.
A tournament earlier in the day this Saturday:
December 11: Chicago, IL (Arlington Heights
Winter Tournament
Bob Barber 773.467.0423 komoku@earthlink.net
Mark Rubenstein mark@easyaspi.com
modified meeting for Thanksgiving weekend
For Thanksgiving weekend, the Milwaukee Go Club will not meet on Saturday at 7. However, there will still be a meeting Sunday afternoon 2pm-5pm near UWM. Anyone interested in attending should contact milwaukeego@gmail.com for the exact address.
A reminder that there is a tournament in Arlington Heights, IL, on December 11.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Saturday 7-9pm
We will meet this Saturday at Bayshore near the Rotunda. Check in at the Board Game Barrister if you can't find the go table. We'll start at 7pm and go till about 9. Don't worry if you're late; if you're here we'll make sure you get a game!
Check out the latest issue of the Milwaukee Chinese Times for a report of Lisa Scott's visit last month.
If you want a rating, we are going to take a shot at submitting club games for ratings.
If you want to participate in a tournament, there's one in northern Illinois on Dec. 11.
E-mail to milwaukeego@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Milwaukee GO Club now meeting 2nd + 4th Saturdays
Per Lisa Scott's suggestion, we're meeting on 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month. This is a change to the schedule, which used to be every other week. See you next Saturday (second Saturday of November) starting at 7pm! We'll be playing somewhere in the vicinity of Board Game Barrister. If for some reason we're not visible, come into the store and they should be able to direct you. Also -- we ran into a problem with this last time -- the mall is still stopping people under 18 (without an adult) at the door on weekends, despite the fact that they took down the big signs. The security guards said later that it would be okay to ask them to take a message to whoever is already at the table and have them come out to fetch you. Or make sure a parent can walk you in.
Good and bad news for Milwaukee GO
Dear Milwaukee Go community,
You may have heard the terrible news already: Kay Ishizuka, who was a prime mover in the Milwaukee GO scene, and the originator of this blog, was hit by a car and killed last week. The first time I met her, she introduced me to the go club. The last time I saw her, she had traveled up from Florida to defend her PhD dissertation -- but had, from half a continent away, organized a go tournament here for that same weekend, complete with beautiful flyers. She was so helpful and energetic with the tournament that I had no idea her "other" activity of the weekend was such a momentous and important one. If people are interested, we can create some kind of memorial -- perhaps an event in her honor.
Now for some more positive news. This Saturday night at 7pm, we have the honor of hosting Lisa Scott, newly elected Central Region Director of the American Go Association. This will be a great chance to connect with the wider go world: regional, national, and international. Lots of great opportunities!
Please come and meet Ms. Scott. She will be at Bayshore's Board Game Barrister 7pm on Saturday 10/9; she will also be at LaLumiere Hall Rm 262 on the Marquette University campus, 4pm on Sunday 10/10.
For more info, contact events@boardgamebarrister.com.
second to last go night o the season 5/21
The go club will meet Friday night 5/21 and then 6/4. In the fall, due to schedule conflicts with "Friday Night Magic-the-Gathering," GO night will likely be moved to a different day (or, less likely, a different place). Please contact milwaukeegoclub@gmail.com if you have ideas about this.
Also, we are thinking of having a GO festival at the end of August, similar to the tournament but more for fun and introducing people to the game, and less an actual competition. Anybody willing to help with that, please also be in touch.
take public transit to Go night tomorrow 5/7
See you Friday night at the Go night.
By the way, in honor of the 150th anniversary of public transportation in Milwaukee, the Route 15 bus (the one that comes to Bayshore) will be free all day. Hope you'll be a happy new rider!
Friday 4/9 go night 6:30 pm
3/26 go night
Welcome to Go night, 6:30 as usual at Board Game Barrister.
欢迎来下围棋,3/26 晚上 6:30。
歡迎大家來下圍其,6:30 開始.
3/12 Welcome to UWM Chinese, Japanese, and Korean programs
We welcome the members and friends of UWM's Chinese, Japanese, and Korean programs on Friday 3/12. We'll have a warm welcome and some extra boards out in the Rotunda at Bayshore. It's a peaceful non-political place to come together intergenerationally and enjoy a cultural treasure.
Friday 2/25 6:30 pm
Two weeks have passed and we're playing go again. We've got some new players, hooray. If you're new, you won't be alone. If you've played in the past but haven't played lately, we hope you'll come back. If you're a regular, we're so glad to be with you each time.
Did you catch the kudos to our own Art O'Leary in the American Go Association newsletter?
See you in front of the Board Game Barrister at Bayshore Town Center mall, 6:30 pm Friday.
this friday 2/12 is go night again! 6:30
See you at Go night again, 6:30 pm !
Meet in front of the Board Game Barrister at Bayshore.
Kids welcome, snacks available.
Play this Friday 6:30pm
Thanks, everyone, for a great turnout at the Go tournament on 1/16!
We hope each of you reading this will come regularly to play on alternate Friday evenings at 6:30. The next meeting will be this Friday 1/29, at Bayshore's Board Game Barrister (same place as the tournament).
By the way, I forgot to put out the cupcakes at the tournament. If you are a parent and think your child will enjoy the game more if you (or we) bring some treats, please go ahead and do that, and we'll try to follow suit.
3 days till the tournament!
For people not familiar with the Bayshore mall:

The Board Game Barrister is at the Rotunda, and the Boston Store parking structure is the closest covered parking.
The Milwaukee Chinese Times has generously provided a $50 Bayshore mall gift certificate for the winner prize!

We are expecting a few more small prizes... stay tuned.
Southeast Wisconsin Inaugural GO Tournament, Jan 16th, 2010.

Milwaukee GO Club and The Board Game Barrister are hosting an AGA-rated tournament on Jan 16th, 2010 from 10am to 5pm at the Barrister in the Bayshore Town Center (mapquest)
Registration is free and open to everyone.
Winners get gift certificates as prizes.
Join anytime for open playing.
Beginners lessons available for those who wish to learn how to play.
The flyer can be downloaded here (PDF, 65KB)
If both players of a game are American Go Association (AGA) members, the game can be rated. This is a good opportunity for people around Milwaukee area who want to get ranked. AGA membership is available on the day of the tournament through Milwaukee GO Club.
If you are planning to attend, please pre-register using Registration Form.
We appreciate it although pre-registration is not required and walk-ins are welcome.
Please bring your board and stones if you have one.
Any question? Send us an email to the address found on the profile page!