Go Club - Saturday, Dec 10th
Thanksgiving GO
Milwaukee Go Club updates
Glad to see some new faces!
Second, an opportunity:
Volunteers who would like to demo go at the Holiday Folk Fair can do so and (I think) get some free tickets.
Reply by e-mail with your preferred times:
11/19/2011 (Sat): 11am-2pm (new)
11/19/2011 (Sat): 2pm-5pm
11/19/2011 (Sat): 5pm-8pm (new)
11/20/2011 (Sun): 10am-1pm
Third, a query:
Would anyone be interested in meeting at Bayshore every Saturday night?
This could potentially make it easier for newcomers to find us,
so people don't have to remember which week to show up.
Fourth: an announcement from the Iowa Go Club:
Hello, Midwest go players!
I\'d just like to take this opportunity to invite you all to join us for the All-Iowa Go Tournament on December 3rd! We\'re expecting a large array of players from all around the Midwest, so there will definitely be good games available no matter what your skill level!
Please follow this link to our website tournament page, where all details can be found!
You can also pre-register online here:
(To pre-register online, you must have an AGA number, so be sure to sign up with the AGA first if you do not have an active membership).
Please come join us and make this Iowa\'s biggest go tournament yet!
Go Night: This is a 4th Saturday 10/22
Go Night takes place every 2nd & 4th Saturday
10/22 is a 4th Saturday
… so, see you at Go night! (every 2nd and 4th Saturday at Board Game Barrister in Glendale's Bayshore mall).
A reminder that go lessons are available on Sundays at 4-5pm in LaLumiere Hall Room 262 on the Marquette Univ campus.
Here are the time slots we have been given:
11/18/2011 (Fri): 5-8pm
11/19/2011 (Sat): 11am-2pm (new)
11/19/2011 (Sat): 2pm-5pm
11/19/2011 (Sat): 5pm-8pm (new)
11/20/2011 (Sun):10am-1pm
Reply by e-mail to sign up or inquire about anything!
GO night: Yes, 9/24 is a 4th Saturday
GO night: Yes, 9/24 is a 4th Saturday
First things first: This Saturday, 9/24 is a 4th Saturday, and thus it is a GO night. See you at Board Game Barrister inside Bayshore Town Center (Bayshore mall) anytime after 7pm! There's usually people playing till at least 8:30 but often quite a bit later than that. If you want to check, you can call Board Game Barrister and ask — 414-963-2100. They're good for directions, too.
Second: Somebody approached me and proposed that we host an annual 13×13 "express go" tournament to be held at the Mitchell Park Domes in January/February (near the Lunar New Year). And we'll probably have some space at the Holiday Folk Fair for a demo sometime during that (weekend before Thanksgiving).
Third: There's still space in the go class Sunday afternoons at Marquette. It's only $35 for the whole semester (Sept – January), which is a good deal. Go to "register" at www.MMCSweb.com.
See you Saturday, and/or Sunday!
Milwaukee GO Club September news
Regular GO club meeting: This Saturday 9/10 was our first meeting of the new school year. Second and fourth Saturdays at Seven is the regular meeting time for the go club.
GO classes: Kyu-level players may register for go classes that meet Sundays 4pm-5pm during the school year on the campus of Marquette University in LaLumiere Hall. Register now at www.mmcsweb.com. Click on Registration and follow the instructions there; look for the Extra Classes button and select GO. It is only about $35 for the whole semester. E-mail if you have any questions.
Please note that the blog/notice-board is now at milwaukeego.wordpress.com. Please e-mail if you have any difficulty reaching this site.
Hope to see you soon on September 24!
Milwaukee Go Club moving to MilwaukeeGO.WordPress.com
Please check there for our latest updates.
The Club is meeting as usual Sat 8/13 and 8/27 at 7pm by Board Game Barrister at Bayshore mall.
Fwd: American Go E-Journal for 07/26/2011
From: American Go Association <journal@usgo.org>
Date: Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 5:05 AM
Subject: American Go E-Journal for 07/26/2011
American Go E-Journal | ||
Jul 25, 2011 06:44 pm | Paul Barchilon
Today's game commentary by Feng Yun 9P, details Ashish Varma's darkhorse victory in the July 21 matches between Japanese insei and young U.S. players (see Japanese Insei Win Friendship Matches With U.S. Youth). Jul 25, 2011 06:39 pm | Paul Barchilon
Jul 25, 2011 05:25 pm | Chris Garlock
As part of its Summer of China programming, the Milwaukee Art Museum not only recently presented a spectacular nevermore- Jul 25, 2011 11:33 am | Chris Garlock
1 folding 19×19 Goban. 0.75 inches thick. Mustard yellow color. Will take Japanese/Korean size stones. USD $30 plus shipping. 5 one-piece 9×9/13×13 beginner boards. ¼" thick. Will take 23mm stones. All 5 for USD$10 plus shipping. For details contact Arian I. at ai3131@yahoo.com | ||
Copyright (C) 2011 American Go Association All rights reserved. You are receiving this email as you requested when you became an American Go Association member. American Go Association P.O. Box 397 Old Chelsea Station New York, NY 10112-0397Add us to your address book |
围棋 圍棋: Milwaukee GO at MAM is Journal-Sentinel's #3 in Photos of the Week
this Saturday 7/23 11am@MAM only
7/9 GO night ; 7/23 tournament only
Tomorrow (7/9, the 2nd Sat) it's a regular go night, outside Board Game Barrister at Bayshore mall.
Come over and play, AND get your advance registration taken care of so you don't have to stand in line to get into the museum on the morning of the tournament. Deadline for advance registration is 7/15.
In two weeks (7/23, the 4th Sat), the tournament is taking place INSTEAD of go night.
(Show up 10:30am at MAM, not 7pm at Bayshore!)
It's shaping up to be a great event, with new players (棋友) to meet and a fantastic atmosphere.
For more info and registration, click here or read milwaukeegoclub.blogspot.com.
MAM Go Tournament final arrangements all set!
RSVP for tournament 7/23. Go night this Saturday.
Plans are moving along for the go tournament/festival on Sat 7/23 at the Milwaukee Art Museum.
The museum opens at 10 and the first hour or so will be free play and estimating ranks of people who don't know an approximate ranking. Then there will be tournament play until about 3pm, or until people finish four games.
Registration forms will be ready soon. AGA membership is required ($10-30) but can be purchased at the door. Bonus: All participants will receive a FREE copy of Vital Points and Skillful Finesse for Sabaki, donated by publisher Chris Greene of Hinoki Press.
In the meantime, see you this Saturday at 7 at Bayshore for go night at Board Game Barrister (every 2nd and 4th Saturday).
Milwaukee Go Club this Saturday & July 23
at 7pm at Bayshore mall near Board Game Barrister.
And -- save the date -- the go festival+tournament at the Milwaukee Art Museum Summer of China is ON for Saturday July 23. Tournament play will take place INSIDE the special exhibits. What an atmosphere! See the special exhibit website:
The festival is for people who don't feel ready to play in a tournament (e.g., little kids who are not serious about the game, or people who are just curious and passing by).
The tournament will be an official AGA-rated handicap tournament (4-6 games, with minimal waiting time between games).
If you don't have an approximate rating, come about an hour early so you can play a bit and we can get you properly matched and handicapped.
I'm not sure about the registration fee yet but besides admission to the museum and special exhibit, I've just received confirmation that Hinoki Press will donate one of their well-regarded books to everyone who registers. You'll need to be(come) a member of the AGA (American Go Association) but prices for that are very reasonable and you can feel good about supporting the existence of a go community in the USA.
I think this will be a fabulous day! Please let me know if you think you can take part, and/or invite a friend. If they're not a go player, bring them to the museum. I'm confident you'll find it worthwhile. Spread the word!
go club this saturday & July 23
Looking forward to seeing you this Saturday evening at 7pm near Board Game Barrister at Bayshore Mall.
In other news -- we are hoping to host a go festival & go tournament at the Milwaukee Art Museum during its
Summer of China Chinese Cultural Festival, on July 23.
Your registration fee will get you into the rated tournament, admission to the festival, and admission to the fabulous exhibit
(showing only in Boston, NY, and Milwaukee before returning to Beijing). There's a chance you would also receive a go book from Hinoki Press. Tentatively we are thinking of registration of $25.
If all goes well, this would be a handicapped tournament run by Bob Barber from Chicago.
Tentatively, the plan is for games to take place inside the galleries.
Would you give me an indication of whether you think you could come?
no go 1st sat
go club meets Holy Saturday
Milwaukee Go Club announcements: regular meeting Sat, classes Sun, workshop/tournament/festival summer
1) This Saturday at 7:00 is our regularly scheduled meeting. See you there!
2) A note to consider: There are go lessons offered on Sunday afternoons at 4:00.
You can sign up at mmcsweb.com or e-mail here for more info or help in signing up.
3) Anyone who signs up as a member of the American Go Association gets to
have official ratings, and weekly go-related e-mail notices. Please consider it.
4) We are thinking of having a go tournament (for dan level players) / workshop (for kyu level players) / festival (for newcomers) this summer.
Can I assume you'd all be interested in participating? Anyone interested in helping?
Do people have a preference as to whether it takes place in mid-late June or late August?
or as part of a Chinese festival July 23-24? I think we'd get less big names from Chicago+Madison
if it's in July, since the annual Go Congress takes place soon thereafter in Santa Barbara, California.
There's some time urgency on the scheduling, so please reply within the next few days
what your thoughts are.
go club is on for this weekend
Starting time is 7pm and we can play until whenever the mall closes.
Is anyone interested in playing in Madison during the day on Sat. April 30?
I'm trying to gauge interest.
see you this saturday at GO club!
There's a good friendly tournament in IL on 3/5. Stop by or e-mail for more info.
That's also the same day that the Ing Foundation GO School Teams Tournament takes place.
Go Club meets this Saturday 7pm
There was a great turnout at the Domes and we ran out of the 20 brochures that we brought.
I should have brought more brochures, and a real camera, because it was fantastic.
Thanks to Wenbin, Isabel, and everyone who participated.
We also now have a banner stand and a banner to go with it!
Anyway, the club meets to play this Saturday at 7, at Bayshore in the vicinity of Board Game Barrister.
E-mail if you have questions. And whoever is planning to come, would you let me know?
still looking for someone to demo on Sat 11:45-12:45
We've had a wonderful influx of new and returning members since the beginning of 2011. Great to see you all!
Yes, GO club is meeting tonight 7-9+pm
Looking forward to seeing everyone again tonight.
Also -- the Milwaukee Art Museum's Summer of China programming this summer may involve a big GO event. We'll need a big crowd of go players to show up, including from out of town. I think it will be a tournament for RATED players and informal lessons for unrated players.
go club meets bayshore sat 1/8
The Milwaukee GO Club wll meet this Saturday (2nd+4th Saturdays, as usual) near Board Game Barrister at Bayshore (if no one is visible, ask inside the store).
The official start time is 7:00 but this week look for a late start, say 7:20.