
Fwd: American Go E-Journal for 07/26/2011

We're featured in the American Go Association newsletter!  See the second article below. 

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From: American Go Association <journal@usgo.org>
Date: Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 5:05 AM
Subject: American Go E-Journal for 07/26/2011

American Go E-Journal

Jul 25, 2011 06:44 pm | Paul Barchilon

Today's game commentary by Feng Yun 9P, details Ashish Varma's darkhorse victory in the July 21 matches between Japanese insei and young U.S. players (see Japanese Insei Win Friendship Matches With U.S. Youth).

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Jul 25, 2011 06:39 pm | Paul Barchilon

Ten of America's young players competed against Japanese insei online last Thursday, July 21, in the first-ever youth friendship matches between the two countries.  The insei, who are studying professionally at the Nihon Kiin, walloped the US team with a 7-3 record.  The insei played live from the Nihon Kiin, while their US counterparts were competing from all across the country.  The matches were held on the Japanese Yugen no Ma Go Server, which is accessible in English through wBaduk.com.  On the top board, US favorite Calvin Sun 7d lost against Shodai Hirano 6d, both boys are 14 years old.  The two youngest competitors were both 9, Asami Ueno 6d (in pink bow above) and Aaron Ye 4d.   Ueno got off to a good start, with a large capture in the corner, and then proceeded to create living groups effortlessly everywhere she invaded, before Ye was forced to resign.  It wasn't all losses though, Vincent Zhuang 6d, Andrew Lu 6d, and Ashish Varma 4d pulled out all the stops to win their games.  Zhuang, who along with Ye will represent the US at the World Youth Go Championships in Romania next month, scored a commanding win by resignation against 11-year-old Kazuma Yamaguchi 6d, while Lu bested Saeka Iwata 6d.  The darkhorse victory went to 16 year old Ashish Varma 4d, who vanquished Tomohiro Watanabe 6d, age 15.  A full players gallery, with pictures, results and game records is available on Tigersmouth.org. The members edition of this story contains a commented game record on Varma's win, by Feng Yun, 9P.  AGA youth membership is a steal at only $10, and gets you commented games every week in your mailbox, click here to join.
- Paul Barchilon, E-J Youth Editor.  Photo: Japanese insei at the Nihon Kiin, by Tom Urasoe.

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Jul 25, 2011 05:25 pm | Chris Garlock

As part of its Summer of China programming, the Milwaukee Art Museum not only recently presented a spectacular nevermore-to-leave-Beijing exhibit of newly restored artifacts from the Forbidden City, but also a two-day Chinese culture festival on that included a go tournament and a go demonstration table on July 23. Hundreds of Milwaukee Go Club brochures were snapped up by the middle of the second day, and hundreds more stopped by to take a look. One young visitor, Ishmael Robinson (r) was so captivated that he stayed for more than an hour and a photo of his lesson with Alex Wang not only made the front page of the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel's Sunday local section, but was ranked #3 in their top Photos of the Week. The festival was preceded by an introductory session at a local public library, "where six attendees caught the go bug, one of whom plans to introduce the game at the daycare where she teaches," reports local organizer Joyce Tang Boyland. "Thanks are due to all our adventurous and devoted players and volunteers,"  Tang Boyland adds, "without whom this could not have taken place, especially Bob Barber, who TD'ed the tournament and provided mentoring and guidance."
- photo by Michael Sears, courtesy the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel

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Jul 25, 2011 11:33 am | Chris Garlock

1 folding 19×19 Goban. 0.75 inches thick. Mustard yellow color. Will take Japanese/Korean size stones. USD $30 plus shipping.

5 one-piece 9×9/13×13 beginner boards. ¼" thick. Will take 23mm stones. All 5 for USD$10 plus shipping.

For details contact Arian I. at ai3131@yahoo.com

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围棋 圍棋: Milwaukee GO at MAM is Journal-Sentinel's #3 in Photos of the Week

Here's the Milwaukee Go Club's event on the front page of the Local section of the Sunday paper, and listed as #3 (out of 12 selected) in their top Photos of the Week! 



this Saturday 7/23 11am@MAM only

Just a reminder, today Saturday 7/23 (4th Saturday), contrary to the 2nd&4th Saturday rule, there will be no go night at Bayshore's Board Game Barrister.  Come see us at the Milwaukee Art Museum tournament.  Walk-in registrations for the 11am tournament begin at 10am. See you there! 


7/9 GO night ; 7/23 tournament only

We play GO the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month. 
Tomorrow (7/9, the 2nd Sat) it's a regular go night, outside Board Game Barrister at Bayshore mall.   
Come over and play, AND get your advance registration taken care of so you don't have to stand in line to get into the museum on the morning of the tournament.  Deadline for advance registration is 7/15. 

In two weeks (7/23, the 4th Sat), the tournament is taking place INSTEAD of go night.
(Show up 10:30am at MAM, not 7pm at Bayshore!) 
It's shaping up to be a great event, with new players (棋友) to meet and a fantastic atmosphere. 
For more info and registration, click here or read milwaukeegoclub.blogspot.com



MAM Go Tournament final arrangements all set!

Yesterday we met with the officials at the Milwaukee Art Museum and made final arrangements for the tournament on Saturday July 23.  They'll have 10 tables for us just outside the room with the Chinese watercolors on traditional scrolls.  So far we already have 5 people coming from out of state; this should be fun!  See below for registration.  There will also be a separate non-tournament area for anyone who doesn't feel ready to commit to tournament play but who is interested in learning more about the game. 
