GO night: Yes, 9/24 is a 4th Saturday
First things first: This Saturday, 9/24 is a 4th Saturday, and thus it is a GO night. See you at Board Game Barrister inside Bayshore Town Center (Bayshore mall) anytime after 7pm! There's usually people playing till at least 8:30 but often quite a bit later than that. If you want to check, you can call Board Game Barrister and ask — 414-963-2100. They're good for directions, too.
Second: Somebody approached me and proposed that we host an annual 13×13 "express go" tournament to be held at the Mitchell Park Domes in January/February (near the Lunar New Year). And we'll probably have some space at the Holiday Folk Fair for a demo sometime during that (weekend before Thanksgiving).
Third: There's still space in the go class Sunday afternoons at Marquette. It's only $35 for the whole semester (Sept – January), which is a good deal. Go to "register" at www.MMCSweb.com.
See you Saturday, and/or Sunday!