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Milwaukee Go Club <donotreply@wordpress.com> Date: Sat, May 19, 2012 at 1:16 AM
Subject: [New post] meet tonight; query about Mem Day and summer
milwaukeego@gmail.com New post on Milwaukee Go Club | | Hi, yes, we meet tonight 7pm. As many of you as can come would be good, so we can talk about scheduling the summer. 1) It turns out that three or four of the people who normally come every time will be away over the summer. I'm guessing that changing the meeting time to the afternoon will help keep the attendance at critical mass. But people who plan to play over the summer should probably also exchange contact info with each other to coordinate if necessary. Is there anyone willing to take responsibility for the go club for the summer? 2) Maybe 2pm start time rather than 4pm for the summer? (It'll probably have to be 4pm in the fall, but 2 is fine for the summer.) 3) Maybe move back to Board Game Barrister for the summer? 4) Let's start the afternoon schedule next week, which is Memorial Day weekend? 5) The up side of people being gone to China for the summer is that we're planning to return with more go sets and perhaps also teaching materials. Please post comments and suggestions at milwaukeego.wordpress.com if you can, otherwise send mail to m i l w a u k e e g o - at - g m a i l . | | | | |
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