c) play casual games over winter break
[Go Club] PLEASE REPLY - Who is interested for 2014?
c) play casual games over winter break
[Go Club] Evanston Tournament - Update
Joyce informed me that you are allowed to leave the tournament earlier than 6pm, as long as you have played four games. Finishing four games by 3pm is a good estimate.
Also taking Route41 to the tournament would avoid toll booths, but is a common speed trap for policemen. Since you are required to obey the speed limits, it takes half an hour longer to travel this way.
[Go Club] December 7 - Evanston Tournament
[Go Club] Meetings Saturday @6pm
[Go Club] Later Time Today
[Go Club] KGS and October 5
[Go Club] Fall - Third Meeting
Meeting details at the blog, as before:
[Go Club] Fall - Second Meeting
Milwaukee Go Players - Survey
[MOVED] Meeting Tonight
Fwd: [New post] Next Meeting on Saturday (29 June 2013)
From: Milwaukee Go <comment-reply@wordpress.com>
Date: Sun, Jun 23, 2013 at 3:37 PM
Subject: [New post] Next Meeting on Saturday (29 June 2013)
To: milwaukeego@gmail.com
milwaukeego posted: "Hello everyone! I would like to announce this week's meeting early.I propose that we meet on Saturday at 7pm, at Five Guys Burgers and Fries. It's less than a mile from UWM, stays open til 10pm, and has free parking. Address is as follows:Five Guys Burger"

[Go Club] Summer Meeting Time and Location
Five Guys Burgers and Fries
Fwd: [New post] Go Club Sat June 8, management transition
milwaukeego posted: "The Go Club is meeting Saturday June 8 at the UWM Union food court, at the usual time and place. This will be the last meeting under the current management. Stay tuned for possible schedule changes, including possibly a summer hiatus. "
Fwd: [New post] Go Club yes: UWM Union is open again
milwaukeego posted: "Go club is back at the UWM Union Sat June 1. 7:00pm, food court. Looks like there's enough interest to keep going next year, hooray! Contact the organizers on Wordpress or by e-mail if you want to help. "
LOCATION CHANGE: Go club Mem Day weekend
LOCATION CHANGE: Go club Mem Day weekend
Hello all,
We welcomed some new players last Saturday. Come meet them! Saturday 7pm. UWM Union food court. Member M. L. alerted us that the UWM Union is closed this Saturday. So, if you plan to attend, please reply to this e-mail address for the new location nearby.
If you would no longer like to receive Go Club notices, please reply to this address with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line.
Fwd: [New post] Yes, Go club Mem Day weekend
milwaukeego posted: "Hello all, We welcomed some new players last Saturday. Come meet them! Saturday 7pm UWM Union food court. Robert P. has offered to help organize for the next year. Please support his efforts. You all may wish to decide on a better time to meet, and yo"
Fwd: [New post] welcome new friends Saturday
milwaukeego posted: "We're expecting about three new people this week at Go Club. Hope you can come welcome them and show them the range of members who come. See you at the UWM Union food court area at 7pm. "
Fwd: [New post] Sat May 4 — Go at UWM 7pm
milwaukeego posted: "Go Club will meet at the UWM Union food court again this Saturday. Thanks to all who came last week to share in the fun! Just a heads-up: starting mid-June the go club will be under new management for at least a year. Anyone interested in helping"
Fwd: [New post] Sat 4/27 GO tonight 7pm
milwaukeego posted: "As promised, there will be go tonight Saturday April 27 at the UWM Union food court, 7pm (+/- a few minutes). "
Fwd: [New post] go club cancelled April 20
milwaukeego posted: "Go Club is cancelled for April 20. Back in action April 27. "
Go Club meeting as usual 7pm Sat UWM union
[New post] go at uwm union 7pm Saturday
milwaukeego posted: "Go is happening Saturday 7pm at the UWM Union food court area. I believe the last couple of times the first people didn't show up till a few minutes later, so if you're the only one there right at 7:00, someone will show up very soon thereafter. "